Awesome app!
One problem with the OS X user interface, which is especially pronounced if you have a 27" iMac, is that the screen elements are too small. In particular, the pointer. Sure, you can expand the size of the pointer in System Preferences. But, before Lion, it was pixelated and ugly. In Lion, they finally fixed it to make it a high-resolution image. But theres still a major problem: a large pointer will often block elements of the user interface -- especially those pop-up bubbles that tell you what an icon does. Its reallly annoying.
Pinpoint takes care of all that. It allows you to use the tiny pointer while still being able to see where you are. Ive become fond of the large arrow option. It allows you to have a large, semi-transparent arrow extend from your small pointer. Now, I can still see where my pointer is, but its not blocking anything from view! Awesome!
realgeek about
PinPoint Mouse Enhancer